Kamis, 04 September 2008

Cyprus launches historic talks for peace deal

NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cyprus leaders launch talks on September 3 to reunite the divided island in what diplomats say is the best chance in decades to end a conflict threatening Turkey's European Union aspirations.

Mediators are pinning hopes on two moderates -- newly elected Greek Cypriot Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot Mehmet Ali Talat -- for a realistic prospect of ending a feud that has long defied international efforts.

"This is the best chance on Cyprus in at least a generation," said a diplomat close to the talks, speaking on confition of anonymity. "Both leaders are genuinely committed for a deal, and that is what was lacking before."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080901/wl_nm/cyprus_talks_dc

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